Karen & Collins Great RV Adventure

Karen & Collins Great RV Adventure

It is not the Destination, but the Journey

Saturday, April 4, 2015


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Spending our first Winter in the RV was almost as enjoyable as our last five years of everyday travels, although our time in Quartzite, AZ was a major disappointment. 
Known for its January massive rock & mineral show, as well as an RV rally, our expectations far exceeded reality. 
While there were literally thousands of RV’s dry camping all over the desert (we stayed in an RV park with full hook-ups), and there were tens of thousands of rocks & minerals featured at the show, taking us two days to leisurely view, most appeared to us as just piles of everyday stones. 

 We were, however, taken with three unique stones found over the two days. We had them made into pendants for our three daughters and used a double blind mailing process so that we didn’t know who was getting what.  Meanwhile, while the rally was small & offered little of interest, there was a massive flea market next door we enjoyed. 
On London Bridge
Collins & Snuggles On London Bridge
London Bridge

Another side trip was to the London Bridge in Lake Havasau. 
While the bridge is only modest in size & appearance, the realization that you are standing on HISTORY, where all of the Royalty & history makers crossed, is impressive.  A film or book situated from just one spot depicting these people, & the historical events they were involved in, would be fascinating. 
Our overall disappointment & boredom in Quartrzsite resulted in our departure about a week earlier than initially planned.
Sister Linda, Dog Ace & Karen

The next several weeks were spent outside of Phoenix,  We had a couple of visits with Karen’s sister & brother-in-law (Doug & Linda),
Karen & Karen
and our friends the Sweets.  Karen & Karen became friends when they first started selling Real Estate & have stayed in touch. 
Karen, Karen & Ron Sweet
They live part time in AZ & the rest of the time in IL. 
Arizona Sunset
Lots of RVs parked at the Rally
We also attended a Good Sam Rally (another disappointment) just outside Phoenix.  And just to show it isn’t all fun on the road, while at the Phoenix Good Sam’s Club rally, held at the Phoenix raceway, Karen decided we should do a 5K walk for wounded Veterans’ families.  Since 5K is only 3 miles, & what I presumed would be on flat land, and we were doing it for the wounded vets’ families, I readily signed up.  One would think I should have learned my lesson of volunteering when I enlisted in the Marine Corp in 1965. 
 Suffice it to say getting up at 6AM  isn’t our normal awakening time, & then walking three miles on the race track with a definite downward slope (visualize cars racing around a track), created more stress on our calves than anticipated. 
Collins keeps walking
 The two things that kept me trekking was Karen’s presence & two retired (old) female Marines whom we could not keep up with.

We're almost done

We finished the walk


We could see Laughlin from our RV spot
After leaving the Rally, we started our trek north toward Utah.  Since it was still too cold to go there, we stopped in Bullhead City, AZ for a couple of weeks.  We were right across the river from Laughlin, NV.  We spent our time there having a few RV maintenance items taken care of, as well as taking a two day car trip to the Grand Canyon. 
Snuggles wants to make sure we don't leave her behind
We went to the Grand Canyon

Since this was our second observation of the canyon, the first in the early 1990’s, we were less awed by the canyon itself as we were by the geological history it presents.  There is one trail into the canyon that, for every large step you take, you are going back 1 million years in time, until you have traveled 1.8 Billion years (try getting your arms around that number).  Obviously this is a long, downward trail but geologically mind boggling just the same. 

We continue to be amazed at what had to take place over millions of years to create the colors & formations throughout the western states.  While the everyday endless barren beige landscapes leave you literally ecstatic to see an occasional patch of green, the sudden appearance of multi-colored mountains created from millennium old sea beds, tectonic upheavals & wind can’t help but leave you in awe. 
As we left our AZ winter home, the temps were hitting 90 some days.  We're off to Southern Utah to see Zion, Bryce & Arches National Parks.  Temperatures there will be in the 6o's & 70's.  Stay tuned, more beautiful pictures to come.