Karen & Collins Great RV Adventure

Karen & Collins Great RV Adventure

It is not the Destination, but the Journey

Friday, November 19, 2010


After many months of packing, we decided July 10th would be our moving day.  That was the final day we moved all the furniture & items we wanted to keep from the house to storage.  At that point, the RV became our new “home”.  The biggest problem was that we didn’t have the RV at home long enough to move our needed travel belongings into it before we moved  in.  It had been in storage while Collins had his knee surgery, then we decided to let Rob take it to Wisconsin for a few days.  It was during that time we realized there were some repairs needed, mainly the front leveling jack wasn’t working properly, along with a few other minor issues.  We made an appointment to take it in for service the day after Rob returned, Tues the 6th, telling them we needed it back ASAP.  After calling on Wed & Thurs to see how things were going & being given the run around, we told them we would pick it up on Friday & take it elsewhere for service since they had done nothing & we needed to move in the next day.
After moving everything on Sat, it was time to clean the house & get it ready for the tenant.   During that time, we were still going to the VA 3 times a week for Collins knee therapy.  Needless to say, that took up a lot of time.  It was hard trying to get the final cleaning of the house & figure out what could & should go into the RV.  Unfortunately, we didn't have enough time to move everything to the RV in an orderly manner & put stuff away as best we could.   
We wanted to attend the National RV Rally in Louisville starting July 22 but didn’t have reservations because we weren’t sure if we’d be able to attend due to Collins knee surgery.  So we had to go as “early Birds” & check in on July 21st.
 July 20th   Finally on the road for Louisville.  The RV was filled with tubs & boxes of stuff to put away;  you could hardly walk from front to back & the basement was filled to the gills.  We decided we would go to the Rally, then take the RV to Lexington where my sister, Diane, lives to have the needed repair work done.  Having contacted the service manager about the needed repairs, including the part # for the jack, we set out on our adventure.

The first day turned out to be a DISASTER!!.  We forgot to connect the electrical line from the RV to the car for the brake lites, etc.  so about an hour out someone passing us on  the expressway started pointing at the back.  Of course we panicked & pulled over as soon as possible.  When we realized what happened, we hooked it up & went on our way.  A couple hours later we stopped to change drivers &, as we were checking all the tow connections, realized there was a break in the wire for the lights.  It must have happened as it dragged on the ground before we connected it.  Wanting to get it fixed before we stopped for the night, we checked our GPS for a Wal-mart & exited the expressway as directed.  Guess what, it was a Sam's club, which we don't belong to & it probably wouldn't have had the part anyway.  We drove a little farther, hoping the GPS was right & there still was  a Wal-mart around;  there wasn't.  This was a small town &, trying to get back to the expressway, we did a really stupid thing.  We pulled into the drive of a company that was set back, thinking we could turn around there.  Unfortunately the drive-way ended at a locked fence.  I wanted to take the car off the tow dolly & remove the dolly so we could back up & turn around but Collins thought he could turn it in a huge sweep on the grass.  Even though there was a small gully, he did get it turned around. 
While  we had that problem solved we still needed to repair the lights.  We decided to try another exit. As we got onto the expressway, we noticed something was wrong with the way the dolly was tracking, so, we pulled over again.  This time we realized Collins had bent the trailer hitch while going thru the “small” gully. Hence, we got off at the next exit & stopped at a truck stop, figuring we'd take the car off the dolly & try to get a new hitch or, plan “B”, drive the car the rest of the way & the dolly would be ok to tow.  Surprise!!!  In the process of all this, the ratchet end of the strap holding the car’s tire on the dolly had wedged between the tire & the dolly.  It caused the tires to lock & we couldn't get either the steering column or strap loose.  It was getting dark, & we were getting very frustrated.  Then we met our guardian angel.  Another RV had pulled in next to us & was going to use the truck stop to stay overnight.  The gentleman came over to ask what had happened.  To make a long story short, he got out his jack & a few other tools,  helped us get the car off the dolly & the bent hitch off the RV.  Not only was it too late to buy a new hitch but we weren't sure where we would have to go to get one.  This wonderful man not only carried an extra hitch in his car, but since we were all going to the same RV rally, he loaned it to us.  I wanted to give him money which he wouldn't take.  He said that's what RV’ers do.  Having made arrangement to meet up at the rally to return his hitch, we ended our first day
 The next day, I drove the car because we still hadn't been able to fix the lite situation & Collins drove the RV.  I was so thankful when we finally got to Louisville, I can't begin to tell you. 
The Rally:  July 20 – 25  We had a great time at the rally & learned many good things, adding to those already learned at a small FMCA rally we attended the month before.   The trade show was very good & luckily we were able to buy a new hitch & wiring harness, as well as meet up with our guardian angel & returned his hitch.  While we wanted to take them out for dinner, their schedule didn't allow it to work out.  We told him we would “pay it forward” some day.
We had to dry camp at the rally because there were no electrical spots available, and it was sooooo hot (sometimes around 104) we ran the generator non stop.   Thankfully we were in a good spot to get the RV out to get fuel & get back in our spot again.  This taught us we should always be prepared for dry camping, having everything empty that should be& everything full that should be.  In this manner we  could  probably dry camp for a week. 
At the Rally - Louisville Fairgrounds

July 25 – Aug, 1  We spent the next week at my sister Diane’s home while she & her family were on vacation.  We took the RV in for repair on Monday only to find out the jack had just been shipped that morning & it would take a week to arrive.  It was supposed to get there some time the following Monday.  After a few days, we decided to bring the  RV back to Diane’s  for a couple days & put everything where it needed to go.  Luckily her house is at the end of a cul-de-sac so we were able to let it hang off the driveway onto the street (the RV is 41’ long).  Having checked with the neighbors to make sure they didn't mind, we were able to put everything away, consolidate tons of stuff in the basement & clean the whole rig inside & out.  It looked great when we took it back to the repair shop.   I have to say, I'm amazed at the storage we have.

Diane' s Driveway
Diane & Brian are due home tomorrow; thankfully they  didn't mind us being there another  week until the repairs were done.  We did get the RV back on Wed, but unfortunately they didn’t get everything we needed done.   They didn’t check it out like we asked them, & waited until they got the  jack to even look at it.  We needed 2 more parts which would take another week to get.  Since we had already been at Diane’s for 10 days, we didn’t want to wait any longer.  We asked them to mail the additional parts to the campground we’d be at over Labor Day.  The dash air wasn't working as well as it should, but it would have to go to another shop for that.  We tried to get that in while in Lexington, but they were too busy.   We may have that done when we visit friends in Nashville.
Aug 5th we were off to Mammoth Cave State Park in KY.  We spent about 5 days there in a nice quiet campground.  We took a boat ride into one cave, it was interesting.  We also toured 2 other caves which were very interesting.  One of the caves had a lot of stalagmites & stalactites.  The other , which was part of the main entrance into the cave system was huge & very open.  It had actually had a mining system in there at one time.  It had also been used as a TB hospital.  They were very cool, around 57 degrees.  We were going to do another, but there were a lot of steps & elevations in them & it was hard on Collins’ knee.  While we were at the campground, we met another couple who had been full-timers for over 10 years.  We were saying we wanted to drive the Blue Ridge Parkway after we left Nashville.  He said they had done it, but it was no fun for the driver at all.  You had to spend too much time concentrating on the hills & curves & didn’t get to enjoy the scenery.  At that point, we decided we’d just take the parkway in the car.  We were very thankful for his advice.

Cave at Mammoth Cave Park

Aug 9th we headed to Nashville to visit long time friends Betty & Nick.  It was sooo hot (over 100 every day) we didn’t do any sightseeing, although we did take the RV to have the AC repaired.  Unlike others before them, they fixed it the day they said they would.  We hung out with Nick & Betty until Aug 12th.  Really had a nice visit:  went swimming & Nick introduced me to the WII fit.  Being so uncoordinated, I provided plenty of laughs for all of us.  It was so much fun I might even want one of those.
Aug 12th we headed to the Smokey Mts. where we stayed at a campground on the NC side of the Mts.  One day we drove into the Smokies & were amazed at the beautiful views. Although we drove to the highest point in the Smokies,  it started raining & we couldn’t get out of the car or see anything.  We did, however, see some great waterfalls rushing down the sides of the mountains as a result of the rain.  When we got back to the foothills, the sun was again shining.   
Smokey Mountains

Smokey Mountains
Aug 14  We decided to drive the Blue Ridge Parkway in the car & stopped at many points along the way to check the views.  We were very thankful we didn’t take the RV: the roads are very curvy & the man we spoke with a week earlier was right, the driver never would have been able to enjoy the sights.  We didn’t see one big RV the whole time.  We stayed in a hotel Sunday night, then went to one more spot along the Parkway before heading home on Monday.  We didn’t make it quite to the VA border, but we did enjoy the trip.
Blue Ridge Parkway

Aug 18th  Today we moved to another campground a little closer to Asheville, NC .  It’s very nice here – has a pool, exercise room & very well maintained.  It’s all adults & a lot of people stay here several months.  We plan to take some day trips from here.  We’re staying at Lakewood Rv Resort  15 Timmie Lane, Flat Rock, NC.  888 819-4200.

Aug 20th We  went to Carl Sandburg's home today & found it very interesting.  He & his family lived there from 1945 – 1967 and a lot of their original belongings are still there.  This gave it a great feeling how they lived in those days.   There were original books & magazines & newspapers everywhere.  They also had a goat farm, which was managed by Mrs. Sandburg, her 3 daughters & 2 granddaughters.
  Apparently, it was a very productive farm & she won many prizes for milk production, etc.  Hard to believe she managed all that with so little help.  The home sits high on a hill & looks out over a private lake.  It is such a great setting.  I would love to have a setting like that (without any of the work to go with it)
View from Sandburgs Front Porch
Sandburg's House

Aug 23 & 24th - We went to the Biltmore House in Asheville. 

 Oh my gosh.  There are 250 rooms, including over 100 bedroom & 45 bathrooms.  They also have a gym & an indoor heated swimming pool, which was very interesting.  The pool has no filtration system, so after it was used several times they drained it (72,000 gallons) & then refilled it.   They said the reason they had so many bedrooms was because they entertained constantly & when their guests arrived they also brought their servants (attendees) with them. They only have 40 rooms open to the public.  It was built by George Vanderbilt & took about 7 years to build.  He opened it to guests on Christmas Eve 1895.  Talk about opulence, this place must have been over the top in it's day.  It's built high on a hill & you can see forever.  It is the largest privately owned home open to the public.  Two of the family members still have homes on what was originally 100,000 acres (now only 30,000).  George Vanderbilt never allowed anyone to take pictures inside, & you still aren’t allowed.  He wouldn't even allow Teddy Roosevelt, when he was President, to take pictures in the home, so Teddy refused to come.  There is a huge conservatory with several acres of flowers including many, many rose bushes. 

Needless to say, Collins & I really enjoyed that.  They also have a little village away from the house itself where they've built a winery.  It was interesting, but most of the village itself was gift shops.  Anyway, we had a great time.
 Aug 26th  We went on a waterfall tour today.  There is a State Park & a National Park close by with over 250 waterfalls. 

 We only went to about  4 or 5, then Collins decided he had enough fun.  The falls we saw were pretty close to the road so he didn't have to walk too far.  They were really pretty & it was very quiet & cool under the trees.    Those would be great places if you liked to hike.  I thought it would be a perfect place for my sister Linda to vacation, she loves to hike.

The weather has cooled down some in the past week.  We've been able to leave the windows open at night & early part of the day, which has been really nice
Aug 27 today we spent cleaning & doing misc tasks.  I was actually surprised at how much time it took to clean.  However, I stopped several times to talk to a some of the neighbors, so that tends to make the cleaning last longer.  Collins worked on the outside of the RV & managed to tumble over the picnic table while falling off the top of the ladder.  I was on the other side of the RV talking to our neighbor when we heard the crash & Collins swearing.  We both went running.  Luckily he was getting up as we came around the front.  One of the other neighbors, several rigs down, heard the crash & the swearing & also came to see if he was ok.  Luckily he was. 
We  really like staying in one place for a couple weeks at a time.  It gives you a chance to meet people & be somewhat settled.  Tonight we took a little walk around the park & ended up just chatting at one couple’s patio for about an hour.  People here are really friendly.  The people next to us are from Savannah.  When we get to that area, which will be around the beginning of Oct., they want us to call them so they can show us around.  We’ve set up most of our stays for the rest of the year for 2 week periods.
Sept 9th We left Lakewood Rv Park in Flat Rock, NC on Sept 2nd heading to Cape Hatteras for Labor Day.  Unfortunately, we weren’t the only ones heading for the Cape.  There was a huge hurricane (Earl) headed that way, with a good possibility of making land in Cape Hatteras early on the 3rd.  We decided to go ahead & start in that direction, staying overnight at a truck stop several  hours from the Cape.  Everyone was very lucky.  The hurricane was downgraded to a 2 by the time it got near & it didn’t make a direct hit.  It did send plenty of water & sand over the roads so we had to spend one night at a Visitors Center just before you cross the bridge to the Outer Banks.  They opened the bridge early Sat morning, so we were able to go ahead to our destination.  

Roads on Cape Hatteras after Hurricane Earl

 Thanks to the hurricane, we ended up parking in a spot overlooking Pamlico Sound (the other side of the island).  When we sat in the RV & looked out, all we saw was water.  It felt like we were in a boat.  We had beautiful sunsets every night & didn’t do much but go to the beach each day. 

View from our spot on Cape Hatteras

 On my B-day we went out for a nice dinner. 

 We left there Sept 8th  & were planning to take a couple of ferries on the way to Wilmington.  However, we had the AC on in our bedroom & the alarm on the clock was not very high, so we didn’t hear it & overslept.  We could have taken a later ferry but it was 2.5 hrs later & with the ride being 2.5 hours, we thought we could drive it quicker.  I don’t think it was, but oh well.  We made it to Wilmington safe & sound.  We’re staying  at Ft. Fisher on Kure Beach.  It’s just outside Wilmington.  The campground is nothing to speak of, but it’s right across from a really nice Ocean beach, so we’ll just relax & enjoy the beach.  There are some very colorful houses along the  beach.  

Rainbow Houses

 I’m sure we’ll find some things to entertain ourselves.  Today we did some shopping & did a few things around the RV.  One of neighbors at the last park had made some great window covers (to keep the sun out) from a foil insulation they bought at Lowes.  We bought some today & made a great cover for the front window & the sides.  It really makes a huge difference in the temp in here.  Wish we’d known about that when we were in the 100+ temps.  Every day we seem to learn something new which we’ve taken to jokingly call learning curves.  Just wish there weren’t  so many of them.
Oct 12th  Shame on me, it’s been over a month since I added to this.  I don’t know where the time goes.  We had a good time in Kure Beach, just outside Wilmington, SC.  Did some sightseeing & went to the beach.   We visited some Civil War sights, interesting, & went to the Aquarium.  One day we took a ferry across to Southport. 

Ferry to Southport

 Just drove around a little & had lunch at a little restaurant on the harbor.  One day we drove over to Camp LeJuene because Collins had spent some time there when he was first in the Marines & he wanted to see the base again.  Next time we go in that direction, we should stay there at Onslow Beach.  We stayed at Fort Fisher, but can’t say it was a great place.  The good thing about it was that we could take about a 5 minute walk across the street & be on the beach.  They had the pool & the restaurant closed for the season.  It wasn’t the best campground we’ve stayed at.  However, talk about losing track of time,  I had us leave there a day early because I thought it was the day we were supposed to head out.  Luckily, we were able to get into the next park that night.  We stayed north of Charlestown at Goose Creek.   If we ever go back I’d ask for sites 5 or 9.   It was pretty nice, but there are a lot of people who live there full time & they have only a few spots for people like us.  They don’t seem to plan too well since we had to move spots after a week & so did a lot of others.  We met a really nice couple there – Norma & OB O’Brian (another retired Marine).  We had drinks together a couple of evenings.  They’re also full-timers.  We’re hoping to meet up somewhere next year.  They have a great gym at this base & we went about 4 times a week.  We did quite a bit of sightseeing in Charlestown,  including  Boone Farm Plantation, which was very interesting.  They still have some of the original slave houses there.  It’s hard to think of so many people trying to live in those one room shacks.  

Boone Hall


Slave Houses


Oak Lined Drive to Boone Hall  


Older Home

 We were in Charlestown on the weekend they had what they called the Museum Mile Walk.  You could buy a ticket & get into 15 different homes, museums, etc, so we went Sat & Sunday.    
 While going into some of the old homes that had been restored, we found out  they kept livestock, chickens & other animals on the property, which was probably about an acre.  They also had a garden, stable & separate kitchen on that property, & of course, the slaves lived there too.   

Government Building

Color Guard for Medal Winners

 One day we went to the USS Yorktown, which is a WWII Aircraft Carrier.   It has the Medal of Honor Museum on it.  It just so happened that the day we went, they had 51 Medal of Honor Winners coming on board for some type of gathering & book signing.  The bridge from the land to the ship was lined with 840 Cadets from different services, & an Honor Guard:  the Medal of Honor recipients were then escorted down the gang plank.  It was kind of sobering to see these men who had been so heroic at some point in their life.  We toured the ship, which I really enjoyed.  I think one of the reasons we’ve been enjoying the sightseeing is because we have so much time to get it done.  We can take our time & we don’t have to go everyday to see the things we want       



Karen Pilots the Yorktown

Bathrooms on Yorktown

Sleeping Quarters on Yorktown

Collins At Dinner Near Parris Island - Shrimp Boats in Back
Oct 5-17  The past 10 days we’ve been at Parris Island, which is the Marine Corps East coast Boot Camp.  Collins went to boot camp here 45 years ago.  This is bringing back a lot of memories for him.   As you drive around the base you can see the guys & girls (recruits/boots) marching, etc. Sometimes you see them getting yelled at.  I feel sorry for them, but that’s part of the whole thing.   They have graduation almost every Friday, so we went last week.   They had 540 graduates (12 weeks), of which 20% were women.   It was impressive.  Collins said it was much better being on this side of the viewing stand.  Really tho, he is very proud of being a Marine.

The RV Park is out in nowhere.  When we first got here, there was next to no one on any of the 18 sights.   It does fill up starting each Tuesday or Wednesday & it’s almost empty by Friday night or Sat. morning.  It’s the families coming for graduation.  The phone service & internet out here is horrible.  I have to go outside to make phone calls & even using our own wifi we have extremely limited internet.  They say it will be improved by December.
Home of  Juliet Low
 One day we drove to Savannah & took one of those trolley tours where you can get on & off at different stops & stay as long as you want.  As you drive along the driver gives you interesting information about the town.  It was a pretty town & we really enjoyed the tour.  We saw some great old homes, including where Juliet Low, the Girl Scout Founder, was born. 

Older Houses in Savannah

We also went into the most beautiful church I’ve ever been in.  The Stained Glass in there is magnificent.

Pipe Organ

Yesterday we went to the Marine museum & they had tapes of what they go thru in boot camp.  I don’t think I could do it.  Tomorrow we’re going to have lunch with a couple we met in Flat Rock at the RV park.  They live on an island about 15 minutes from here & they invited us to come to their house.  We met them for dinner when we first got to Parris Island.  It’s really nice to meet up with them again.
RV life is good.  We’ve pretty much developed a routine very similar to the one we had at home.  We enjoy our coffee in the morning, usually outside, then have breakfast & either go to the gym or make plans to go off for the day.  Most evenings we sit out with our drinks before dinner.  We rarely eat out, usually at lunch when we’re already out.    I’m finding that cooking is not much of a problem.  We don’t have gourmet meals, but we don’t eat bag meals every night.  We usually Barbeque several nights & make other things the rest of the week.  In the evenings we watch TV, use the computer, etc.  Collins has found the Coin Channel & has developed an interest in coins.  He’s had to set a budget so he doesn’t get carried away.  For awhile Pam was ready to shoot him because she was getting some kind of package about once every 10 days or so & has to find room for them in the safe.
Today was a housekeeping day.  One day when I followed the rV in the car, I realized the lights on the tow dolly weren’t working.  We realized there was a broken solder in one of them, so we had to replace both lights.  Hooray, they’re both working again.  For some reason, we’ve managed to kill several light connections either to the trailer or the car.  Hopefully, we’ll be in good shape for awhile.
The other night Collins had a chance to “pay forward” some of the help we received our first night out.  One of our neighbors had to move to another site.  Unfortunately, they waited until dark to do it.  They are either renting the trailer or they just got it.  When they got ready to move they didn’t put the jacks all the way up, then they pulled into the grass to try to back in, not realizing there was a slight ditch which caught their jack.  Collins went out to help them get it raised & get out of the ditch.  They also didn’t know how to put away the awning, so they were trying to move with that still out.  I felt really sorry for them, since we’ve had plenty of our own “learning curves”.  They were able to get the jack raised & the awning put away & finally got the trailer parked.  We learned our lesson about pulling thru grassy areas with slight ditches, RV’s & trailers don’t like those!!!
Oct. 19th – Before we left Parris Island we went to visit our new RV friends for lunch.  We had a really nice afternoon.  She made a simple lunch but had “home made chocolate chip cookies”.  She didn’t even know Collins is a “cookie monster”.  Anyway, I commented on how good they were, but I’m not a cookie maker.  With that, she opened the trash can & pulled out a box mix from Ghirardelli.   I’m going to buy some of those to take to Punta Cana.
We’re now in Mayport, just outside Jacksonville, FL.  We arrived Friday.  This is the most beautiful campground we’ve stayed in.  It is a Naval Station at the mouth of the St. John’s River & the Atlantic Ocean.  We have a front row spot looking straight out at the water.  Every day, we watch the Navy ships come into the Navy basin & the commercial ships head to Jacksonville.    Some of the people have told us that once in awhile a submarine comes in. 

Here is Collins sitting in front of the RV for "Happy Hour"

These are the views from the front of our RV

We did get to see 2 Submarines come in & out

 There are also 4 or 5 dolphins out there most of the day. The weather has been perfect, upper 70’s & low 80’s every day.  We haven’t run the AC since we got here.  We went to
the beach today, it’s just down the street, about 3 minutes.  It has really soft sand & it’s so flat & shallow.  It’s great for walking.   It’s going to be hard to leave this place in 10 days.   Not sure what we’re going to do the rest of our time here.  Think we’ll go to St. Augustine one day & downtown Jacksonville another.   We will definitely go back to the beach.  We also go to the gym just about every day.  They have a real nice one here.  There is a full wall of glass overlooking the water in front of the treadmills & ellipticals.  
We did go to the Air Show & got to see the Blue Angels.  First time I've ever seen them.  It was very loud but also amazing in their performance.  It was really hot, but we managed to find a patch of shade from a helicopter that was on display.

There are a couple of things here we could do without.  The first morning we woke to the Navy guys running past here, chanting at 6:20am.  They don’t run every day, but they’ve been by several times.   Then after you go back to sleep, they raise the flag at around 7:50am with a bugle & the national anthem.  In the evenings they lower the flag at sunset & play the bugle again.  I don’t mind the evening one, it’s kind of nice.
 We’ve been fighting ants for the past couple weeks.   I thought I was getting rid of them, then yesterday, I found them in a couple of the cabinets & in a bag of M & M’s.  I sprayed again & bought some ant bait yesterday afternoon.   I haven’t seen any today, but I think I’ll keep ant bait around from now on.
Oct 22nd – Yesterday we took a drive to a quaint town named Fernandino on Amelia Island.  It has a lot of unique shops & old buildings.  It was really nice.  We walked down to the pier & it had several yachts parked there.  As we walked along there was a couple on one that they said was 82’.  It was beautiful.  They said they had come from Hilton Head & it had taken about 500 gallons of gas.  We came from about an hour north of there & went about an hour south & it took about $50 worth of gas vs their $1500.  I can’t even imagine having that kind of money.  Today we went to St. Augustine & took the Trolly Tour around the town.  The weather was beautiful & we really enjoyed ourselves.  We saw some beautiful homes right along the beach as we were driving there.

Oldest Street in St. Augustine
So far so good, no more ants.  Every day I open the cabinets checking to see if there is something crawling around.  I will keep ant traps around from now on.
Collins said the chanting runners went by yesterday morning.  I didn’t hear them.  This morning I didn’t even hear them raising the flag.
Nov. 5th – We came to Titusville on the 30th.  We met up with Pete & Linda Ambraz, Collins’ best friend from High School.  We went there to watch the space shuttle take off.  Each day it was delayed til the next & in the end cancelled until the end of Nov.  We aren’t sure if we’ll go back for it.   Most days we went sightseeing.  No where too special, just driving around to Cocoa Beach & other places nearby.   
Collins & Pete
Collins, Karen, Pete & Linda

Karen makes the shot!!
 We did one thing we’ve never done before.  Pete is a retired cop & he & Linda always carry several guns with them.  Collins has been talking about buying a gun for the RV, most RVers tend to carry them.  So they all decided we should go to the gun range & try them out.  They  had a small .22  & a .38 they let us try.  The .38 was too heavy for me, but I shocked all of us & did really well with the .22.  I’ve never shot a gun in my life but I was good!  When you look at the pic we took of my shooting, the head shots were there because I was aiming for the head!

Collina, her boyfriend Sean, Lexi, Brittany & baby Blake came to see us for the day.  Lexi is growing too quickly & Blake is very cute.  He was trying hard to turn over.   We had a very nice day.

Brittany & Blake

Collina, Collins, Karen, Brittany, Lexi & Blake

Lexi, Collins & Blake

Nov 16th- We arrived in Homestead, FL on the 6th.  We’ve been playing tourist since we arrived here.  Homestead is SW of Miami  just before you head to the Keys.  We’re really close to the entrance to the Everglade National Forest.  We took a drive there last week & stopped at one of the tourist areas.  They had a guide there who gave a short tour & some interesting information.  We saw an unusual bird called the Anhinga.  It swims in the water & looks for fish. 

 Then it sits in the trees with it’s wings spread so their feathers can dry.  We also saw a lot of alligators including 7 babies.

Mama Alligator

Look for the baby alligators

Another day we took a drive to Key Biscayne, Miami & South Beach.  I just wanted to say I’ve been there.  We saw some beautiful yachts.  We had lunch in South Beach, then actually went to the beach for awhile.  Collins said we were “watching the beautiful people.”
Key Biscayne

Lunch At South Beach

Collins at South Beach

Karen at South Beach

Mallory Square
This past weekend we went to Key West.  I loved the drive there.   In many of the areas you can see the water on both sides of the highway.  It is really beautiful because the water is so many colors, like in the carribean.  It goes from almost white, to greens & blues.  We drove the car there & stayed in a hotel.  Sat night we went to Mallory Square, which is kind of like a mini circus. 

 There are people doing fire tricks, animal acts, etc.  It’s a great place to watch the sunset.
Key West
  They were also having boat races there & we saw some pretty interesting ones.  We had to stop at Jimmy Buffets Margaretville restaurant for some Margaritas.

 Sunday we decided to rent a boat & go out for a few hours.  That was a lot of fun.  We also stopped to watch the boats racing for awhile.  It was amazing to watch them round the curves.

Boat Races

Dinner at Jimmy Buffets Margaritaville

Today we were back to the gym.  We’ve been going about 4-5 days a week for the past couple months.  Collins has really improved his knee & I’ve been trying to strengthen my shoulder so I can swim when we get to Punta Cana.
It’s been in the 80’s here so we have no complaints about the weather.  It’s usually cool enough at night to open the windows.  It’s going to be hard to go to the cold weather in IL in a few weeks.

Nov.19th - Yeah, I finally got all the pics added so today I'm going to actually get this posted.  We had to take the RV into service today to have a part on the frig replaced.  There was a recall because this part was overheating & burning down the RVs.  We really didn't want to have to move this thing, but we were too nervous about waiting to get the part replaced later & we didn't want to turn off the frig so we had no real choice.  The place was about half an hour from here so we took it there & went to the gym & lunch.  By that time it was done.  When we came back it gave me a chance to get it all vacuumed again.  I can't believe how dusty it gets.  Tomorrow we're going to Marco Island to visit friends we had in IL - the Schraders.  It will be nice to see them again.  Here are some pics of what our "house" looks like when we're living in it.

1 comment:

Sue and Joe said...

Hi Karen and Collins,
You guys look like you are having the time of your life.
Can't wait to see you guys in Bavaro DR.
Seems like will have a good start on your tan.
Take Care and we will see you soon
Love Sue and Joe
PS:When is the book coming out?